Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Engaging in CSR Activities for Starbucks Research Paper

Engaging in CSR Activities for Starbucks - Research Paper Example The company is headquartered in Seattle and has more than twenty thousand stores in different locations of the world. The coffee chain along with the main product coffee which comes in various forms also serves snacks and pastries. The stores sell packaged food as well as other merchandise that are used as materials for the promotion of the brand like coffee mugs (Pendergrast 133). Though mostly based in the US, Starbucks has ventured into the other countries as well like Japan, Canada, South Korea, Thailand, Mexico, Germany , China and many other countries. The company over the years of its existence has taken part into various CSR activities which has brought the brand into the limelight. These activities have varied across the various social issues including environmental protection, caring for the coffee producers, practicing fair trade as well as selling products for the sake of collecting money for children in need (Warner 1). Issue Identification The company as a part of its e nvironmental sustainability measures started the use of the paper cups which were claimed to be made of the recycled paper. Thus the food and the beverages were coming in contact with this recycled paper cups. These recycled materials were being used not only in the cups but also in the in the cardboard carriers and the napkins. The company claimed that it would have a direct impact on the environment and would be able to save almost 5 million pounds of tree fiber every year (Tice 1). This was a positive step on part of the company from the sustainability point of view. However, the company came across a lot of controversy since the cups are made of materials that have been used before by other customers (Taylor 49). Thus there were hygiene and safety issues relating to the use of such used materials. It was claimed by a set of people that Starbucks had not taken the permission of Food and Drug Administration before taking such a step that could harm the health of the consumers. Thu s the question that came up was how much Starbucks was being able to deliver the social responsibility goals that it had set and what were the consequences of the steps taken. Issue significance The issue is important from various respects because the health of the customers of Starbucks were at stake. First of all, the cost that was incurred by the company in the process of recycling was pushed to the customers who were buying the coffee. If it was a case of CSR then the recycling cost should have been borne by Starbucks. But the activist groups were of the opinion that the company evaded such costs. Secondly, the material that was used by one individual was given to another person (Bryant 173). This could lead to various health problems that would not comply with the hygiene standards. Thirdly, the company had not taken the approval of the FDA which was mandatory on part of the company. Finally, the customers’ opinions were not considered while taking this decision of imple menting the use of cups made of recycled paper (Locke and Latham 73). Thus from the economic, legal, social, moral and ethical point of view the step was not appropriate. Identifying the stakeholders In order to identify the stakeholders and their relative interest and power in the issue a stakeholder map has been drawn and their relative importance has been plotted as below.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Their Eyes Were Watching God - Rebirth of Transcendentalism Essay Example for Free

Their Eyes Were Watching God Rebirth of Transcendentalism Essay A century elapsed between the period of transcendentalism and the publication of Zora Neale Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God. During this time, the philosophies of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau faded as the post-war era of social realism began to dominate American culture and American literature. Thus, Their Eyes, published in 1937, was scorned and criticized by many for not being â€Å"political or serious† enough. It was not until twenty years after Hurston’s death that people began to appreciate Hurston’s works, especially Their Eyes, as important literatures in the African American and the American feminist movements. With further analysis, although Their Eyes is a modern novel, it actually takes the readers back to the period of Thoreau and Emerson; Their Eyes Were Watching God possesses elements of transcendentalism – self-reliance, nonconformity, and the over-soul – as supported by the essays of transcendentalist thinkers. To begin, a fundamental idea of transcendentalism is self-reliance, which stresses a person’s own judgment and intuition. Janie, the protagonist of Their Eyes, shows self-reliance when she uses her own judgments for the struggles she faces. For example, as she realizes that her marriage with Jody is tumbling down, â€Å"she saw that it never was the flesh and blood figure of her dreams. Just something she had grabbed up to drape her dreams over. [†¦] She had an inside and an outside now and suddenly she knew how not to mix them† (Hurston, 72). Janie knows her goals and desires, both are which shattered by Jody, so she must now distinguish the difference between the lies and the truth of her dream. Together with courage, her intuition gives her the strength to speak up to Jody on his death bed. Moreover, when she finally finds the love of her life, she feels â€Å"a self-crushing love, [allowing] her soul [to] crawl from its hiding place† (Hurston, 128). She doesn’t hide her feelings but goes to pursue her lover, Tea Cake. She is strong-will and has control over her feelings and thoughts. Even Tea Cake encourages Janie to use her own mind, â€Å"‘Nobody else on earth kin hold uh candle tuh you, baby. You got de keys to de kingdom’† (Hurston, 109). As Emerson would say that Janie possesses transcendentalist ideals because, â€Å"[She has the] integrity of [her] own mind [†¦] What [she] must do is all that concerns [her], not what the people think† (Emerson, 80). Her past experiences and her present judgments lead Janie to maker her own path in the future. Only when Janie relies on herself and holds her â€Å"keys to de kingdom† does she find her happiness and reach her dream. Furthermore, another element of transcendentalism is nonconformity, or individualism, which stresses the importance of finding one’s identity instead of giving in to society. Emerson explains nonconformity as â€Å"the great man who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude (Emerson 80). Janie shows exactly this on the day she arrives back in Eatonville. Dressed in her blue satin dress, she confidently walks past the women and men, ignoring their hurtful gossips and leaving them in awe. Despite her solitude due to Tea Cake’s death, Janie welcomes her independence; she is perfectly at ease with herself. Moreover, Thoreau also writes about nonconformity; he writes, â€Å"The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right [†¦] They only can force me who obey a higher law than I† (Thoreau, 104). Janie shares Thoreau’s attitude when she stands up to both of her late husbands and declares what she believes is right. Logan tells her that she doesn’t belong anywhere but â€Å"‘It’s wherever Ah need yuh’† (Hurston, 31). This is probably the worst thing he can say to his newlywed; it’s hurtful, disparaging, and disrespectful. However, unlike all the other women, such as Nanny, during the time, Janie stands up for herself by yelling back at his wrongs so she can gain back her independence and dignity. As for Jody – a husband who makes her tie her hair back, denies her of speech and social interaction, and abuses her – Janie finally takes up the courage to tell the truth at his deathbed. â€Å"‘All dis bowin’ down, all dis obedience under yo’ voice—dat ain’t whut Ah rushed off down de road tuh find out about you’† (Hurston, 86). Jody has crushed her hopes and dreams and her image of love, and she’s not about to let him forget that. She would not obey; she has no obligation to obey. After Jody’s death, Janie is finally free. Even more, she feels no remorse and she doesn’t mourn because the lost of her husband gives her back her individuality. Last but not least, the over-soul is another focal point of transcendentalism; it connects God, Nature, and Man. Emerson writes in his essay, Over-soul, â€Å"We live in succession, in division, in parts, in particles. Meantime within man is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal One† (Emerson, Over-soul). This over-soul connects the broken pieces of the universe together. Hurston’s Their Eyes contains many details that support the over-soul. For instance, in the beginning Janie â€Å"saw a dust-bearing bee sink into the sanctum of a bloom; the thousand sister-calyxes arch to meet the love embrace and the ecstatic shiver of the tree form root to tiniest branch creaming in every blossom and frothing with delight† (Hurston, 11). This imagery of the bee and the flower symbolizes Janie’s dream. The bee and the flower coexisted in harmony, just like what Janie hopes her marriage will be. This is Janie’s innocent soul as depicted by nature. Later on however, as she’s forced into marrying a man she doesn’t love, she begins to know â€Å"the words of the trees and the wind. She often spoke to falling seeds and said, ‘Ah hope you fall on soft ground’ [†¦] Janie’s first dream was dead, so she became a woman† (Hurston 25). As she begins to mature more, she also begins to understand the sound of nature. Nature and Janie’s souls appear to be one, united and growing together. She talks to the seeds, warning them, sympathizing with them of a world that can be disappointing and unfair. Finally, after she shoots her beloved Tea Cake in order to protect herself, Hurston writes that Janie â€Å"pulled in her horizon like a great fish-net. Pulled it from around the waist of the world and draped it over her shoulder. So much of life in its meshes! She called in her soul to come and see† (Hurston, 193). Although it was a tragic and sudden death, Janie is in peace. The love of Tea Cake will not be forgotten because he will always be with her. Janie now understands the mysteries of nature and her world; she is ready for whatever that may come. Janie has learned and grown, most importantly, she has found her soul. All in all, a century later, Their Eyes Were Watching God leads to the rebirth of transcendentalist ideas, including but not limited to self-reliance, nonconformity, and the over-soul. Throughout her journey, Janie begins to identify herself as a self-reliant individual with a soul, all of which are transcendental characteristics. In the mid 1900s, because of the on going civil rights movements, an African American woman is the least expected person to posses all these traits. Even so, Janie Crawford becomes a prominent literature figure that gives people hopes and dreams, while fulfilling those of Emerson and Thoreau. Bibliography Emerson, Ralph Waldo. From Self-Reliance. The InterActive Reader Plus. Illinoise: McDougal Littell, 2003. 78-83. Print. Ferguson, Craig. Ralph Waldo Emerson – Within Man Is the Soul of the Whole; the Wise Silence; the Universal Beauty Transcendental MeditationBlog. N. p. , 27 Mar. 2010. Web. 05 Aug. 2013. . Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God: A Novel. New York: Perennial Library, 1990. Print. Thoreau, Hentry David. From Civil Disobedience. The InterActive Reader Plus. Illinoise: McDougal Littell, 2003. 90-105. Print.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Teachers and Computers :: Technology Education Essays

Teachers and Computers: The Task Ahead Our world is becoming increasingly dependent on technology. In factories, offices, highways, and homes, one can find a plethora of machines in use. It makes sense then, that one would find some of the same technology in the schools. There is an obvious need for incorporating technology into the schools and curriculum. The task ahead for today’s educators is to learn how to use computers efficiently, develop a technology team in their school, and successfully include computer-based instruction in their classroom. The purpose of this paper is to present a process for bringing computers and teaching together. The first step is to educate the educators. A surprising number of teachers have very limited computer and technological skills. It is ridiculous to think that someone who is technologically inexperienced could teach a lesson involving multimedia presentations or computer simulations. The first standard of the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) states that teachers need to â€Å"demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology† (NETS 9) There are eight basic types of technology with which educators need to be familiar. Each one provides a different educational benefit. A word processor encourages editing. Multimedia presentation software provides for different learning styles. Drill and practice software helps to reinforce things that the students have learned. A database helps students find the information that they need. Simulations provide a fun and effective way to learn, in which students take on role s in a story or event. Spreadsheets allow the user to perform several calculations at the same time for easy comparison. Tutorials work well for a group with diverse learning abilities because it provides self-paced instruction. The eighth and final basic technology type is telecollaboration over the internet. This allows students to experience parts of the world that they may never see. With all this technology available the question becomes, how are the teachers going to learn to use it all? The key word here is professional development. Professional development is â€Å"collaboration between partners to provide opportunities for teachers to strengthen their ability to contribute to the students they serve† (George 311). There are many ways teachers can strengthen their ability to contribute to students. One of which is attending seminars.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Reward Strategy: Reasons and Perspectives Essay

Modern business environment is famous for various new trends. An environment where the businesses used to hire employees for the sake of monetary benefits only is now changed in multi dimensional and multi pronged environment. Now business are not run for the sake of money and short term financial benefits only but for a long time sustainable growth and development. Now the only focus of all business is customer  and Customer Satisfaction. This Customer Satisfaction (CS) cannot be achieved without proper involvement of internal customers i. e. , employees. Companies start their business philosophy from their main goals or objectives and make clear statements showing their mission and values. All lateral developments are performed on the basis of these predetermined values. Modern businesses focus only on customer satisfaction and this is the core concept of business as well. Who is Responsible for Customer Satisfaction? Now question is the responsibility of achieving customer satisfaction without any failure. Many plans are made for wining customer satisfaction, but all would be failure if company is not sure about the persons, method and tactics of achieving customer satisfaction. Whole management and its team is responsible for achieving business results so is the customer satisfaction. Modern management has no doubt in it that customer satisfaction can only be achieved if all employees regardless their departments work hard to satisfy customer. Conclusion is all employees are responsible for achieving and maintaining customer satisfaction on long term basis. How would Employees work for Achieving Customer Satisfaction? Employees are important for achieving customer satisfaction then the responsibility comes how these employees should work for achieving high standards of customer satisfaction? It’s an open secret that employees mainly intend to work for the physical work giving to them according to their job description. Though companies make different efforts to ensure quantitative and qualitative efforts to ensure performance of employees but there is not specific way to know how do employees behave and work for achieving customer satisfaction. As per Hertz Berg’s two factor motivation theory, people treat salary and working environment as routine requirement of their jobs and don’t fee motivated on the basis of nominal salaries. For doing something extra, they need motivation and for motivation they need to be given something extra by the employer. To overcome problems and obstacles on their way to customer satisfaction, companies design a special approach to involve employees into their challenging task of customer satisfaction. Reward Strategy Why do people work is the question often answered differently by all respondents. Few people surely confirm the cause of their work, mostly are trapped in wordy reasons like, just to make my life comfortable, to earn my livelihood, to support my family, to spend my spare time or to establish myself. Business psychologists still fail to understand the only common reason among people who work at different places. Similar to the concepts of employees, business researchers and scholars are also divided on certain human needs and employees’ concern bout growth. But all researchers and business psychologists are of the opinion that rewards really award. If you give rewards to your employees reward, they will award business with better results. Various rewards to employees make different behavioural and motivational changes in their personalities. Almost modern business and non-business organizations believe in good reward system that would base on financial compensation or Remuneration, certain benefits regardless their job hierarchy and business status, and perquisites of different types based on hierarchy. These three factors make the most successful blend of modern reward package. As such package is a motivating blend of financial and non-financial benefits, this suites majority of people.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Is American Dream Still Alive?

In discussion of American dreams, one controversial issue is that Cal Thomas, the panelist on Fox News, claims that it is the dysfunctional government and unstrained liberalism that cause the end of American dreams, but the principle of American culture and the awareness of what got us here will help us to get back on the right track. On the other hand, Brandon King, a student of university of Cincinnati, argues that the American dreams are still alive. What is more, it is the inequality that ruin the American dreams.As long as people have the faith that the life will be better off than today and enact policy to sustain economic growth, the American dreams will keep alive. I totally agree with King’s view and I believe that government do play a important role in regulating economy and they should enact some policy of educational expenditure and therefore, they can provide with recourse to those who need it. Both king and Thomas discuses the definition of American dreams. Thoma s defines American dreams as achieving greater prosperity and consuming more material goods.What is more, King extends Thomas’s idea and claims that the old American dream is just as what Thomas says, but the new American dream is trimmed down version of its former self. He believes that most people prefer a stable, middle-class lifestyle now, and they change their spending habit from consuming money to get joy to focusing on saving money for the future and having secure employment by showing some statistics about ownership decreasing from 69% in 2005 to 66. 5% in 2010 and renter household increasing 1. 1million.And they both agree that culture plays an important role in shaping American dream. Thomas blames dysfunctional government and unstrained liberalism for leading Americans down a path to economic and cultural insolvency while Kings complicates his idea by arguing that government action is still helpful too. Thomas blames government for their action of over-expanding, e ncroaching, over-taxing, overspending, and over-regulating that erode some nature virtue of people such as self-reliance, individual initiative and personal accountability.However, king disagrees with him and says that government do help to bring economy back to a stable path such as funding for Wall Street and struggling businesses because of a principle that large business and financial institution enable many others to attain economic stability and security. By helping those big companies, government can increase job opportunities and hire more people, which was what President Obama did in 2010 to get economy out of depression. In the further discussion, King demonstrates that the biggest obstacle of economy recovery is inequality.And he points out that it is useless for government to redistribute income by taxing rich people and give insurance to pool people, which will only cause the total expenditure of nation decrease and lead to further recession. I totally agree with Kingâ €™s view that the American dream is still alive, and the key to keep the American dream alive and make economy prosperities is the right of education, because American people needs educational opportunity to compete in the global economy and put gainful employment in it. However, too high taxes and burdensome regulations on people are the knottiness that block people from education.A son of my mother’s friend was doing excellent job in high school and he decided to go to medical school to continue his study. One day he got a letter from administration office said that he was enrolled in johns Hopkins university. He was super excited and yearned for the college life in the future. However, the high tuition fee $39000 a year broke his heart. His family could not afford such a tuition fee at that time. So he ends up in university of Berkeley, which is a good choice for us but not for him. Our family all feel sorry for him because we believe that he deserve the top school to start his college life.From my perspective, I suggest that the government really need some policy on regulating educational expenditure that enable every person to get his or her education if he or she deserves it. In conclusion, both Thomas and King believe that the American dream is still alive. However, Thomas blames dysfunctional government for economic recession while King says it is the inequality that cause problem. I agree with King’s view and I suggest government to cut some tuition fee and enact some policy on educational expenditure to give enough educational resource to these people who deserve it, because education is the key to economic prosperity.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Europe And The U.S Example

Europe And The U.S Example Europe And The U.S – Coursework Example Background Differences in Europe and the U.S al Affiliation) There are slight differences between urban planning in America and in Europe and particularly in Germany. For example, the urban planning approach adopted in Germany is more self-sufficient than the one employed by their American counterparts. In Germany, urban planning is founded on principles that everything that a person requires in their day to day life is integrated. This means that urban planning in Germany ensures that schools, parks, religious centers, banks, supermarkets and other essential services and are connected to a means of public transport for easy accessibility and connectivity between work and home. During the planning stage, the type of buildings to be situated in specific areas are pre-determined coupled with their connectivity to public transport. For instance, planners draft up the locations of schools, restaurants, parks and enter into a legal agreement with the companies that provide public transpor t, like bus companies, which will serve the members of that town. This ensures connectivity between work and home. However, in the U.S, many residential areas have not been fitted with such a set- up, evidenced by the lack of schools, restaurants and other important establishments necessary for their day to day routines. Urban planning in the U.S does not adopt a comprehensive approach, meaning that at it is harder to access some social services like recreation parks due to distance.According to Evans, planning in Europe is so structured such that it is very hard for a person to be permitted by the city to establish a home in an area that the city has not designed as a residential area. This means that it is nearly impossible to reside in an area that is not under a development plan of a city and consequently, an area where a resident may be unable to access basic services like public transport. However in the U.S, building a residential home in a secluded area is a common feature, where a person resides in a reclusive area with no neighbors and no access to public transport (Evans, 2014).Levy argues that, like most European towns, German towns have no grid patterns and the general layout of many urban centers have an organic framework that entails having narrow roads that are reminiscent of 18th Century culture. American towns on the other hand place emphasis on accessibility to central districts and therefore the general layout is consisted of grid patterns (Levy, 2013).Reference ListEvans, C. (2014). 2014 Australasian Urban History/Planning History conference: Landscapes and ecologies of urban and planning history. Planning Perspectives, 1-6.Levy, J. M. (2013). Contemporary urban planning (10th ed). Upper Saddler River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall Press.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Identity essays

Identity essays Identity at first sight appears to be a movie about ten travelers who are caught in a savage rainstorm and are forced to seek refuge at a strange desert motel. The movie soon develops into a thriller as the audience learns that there is a killer among the group and one by one, they are murdered. As the storm rages on and the dead begin to outnumber the living, and one thing becomes clear: Each of them was drawn to the motel, not by accident or circumstance, but by forces beyond imagination, forces that promise anyone who survives a mind-bending and terrifying destiny. Underneath all this, the audience discovers that the entire motel scenario was a creation in the mind of Malcolm Rivers, a mental patient diagnosed with Split/Multiple Personality Disorder. Malcolm Rivers is on trial for murders he committed in the past. The doctor, judge, and lawyers attempt to determine his sanity at the time of these murders and to bring him to justice accordingly. The doctor discovers, through evidence in Malcolms diary and through his own tests and sessions with Malcolm, of the existence of 10 personalities or identities in Malcolms body Rhodes, Paris, Larry, Ed, George York, Alice York, Timmy York, Ginny, Lou, and Caroline Suzanne. We discover that each identity is slowly killed off to reveal Malcolms true identity. There are many takes and theories on the actually true identity of Malcolm Rivers, but the one seems most plausible to me personally is Timmy York. Timmy is the last surviving identity in Malcolms body. He appears to represent Malcolms shattered bo yhood that was traumatized by his prostitute mothers abandonment of him at a motel. This makes sense as the entire movie generally takes place in a motel and Timmy ends up killing Paris, a prostitute, last as if taking revenge on his mother. For some reason, Timmy becomes aware that the others at the motel were only iden ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Word Choice That vs. Which - Proofread My Papers Academic Blog

Word Choice That vs. Which - Proofread My Papers Academic Blog Word Choice: That vs. Which The words â€Å"that† and â€Å"which† are tricky and even mentioning them in a room full of proofreaders is likely to cause an argument (especially if there’s a Brit about). Luckily, if all you’re interested in is communicating clearly in your written work, there’s a simple way of knowing which term is correct in any given situation. The important thing to know is â€Å"that† and â€Å"which† are both pronouns used when introducing a relative clause (i.e., additional detail about the thing being described). However, each is used in a slightly different situation. That (Restrictive Relative Clauses) The term â€Å"that† is used when introducing a restrictive relative clause (i.e., a relative clause that restricts the meaning of the sentence): All the houses that we rented were infested. In the above, the phrase â€Å"that we rented† identifies the specific houses being described (i.e., the houses that were rented, not those we didn’t rent). It is thus a â€Å"restrictive† clause and cannot be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence. Which (Non-Restrictive Relative Clauses) By contrast, â€Å"which† is used when introducing a non-restrictive relative clause (i.e., one that doesn’t restrict the meaning of the sentence): All the houses, which we rented, were infested. The â€Å"which† clause here introduces new information, but isn’t essential to the sentence: It tells us that we rented â€Å"all the houses,† but not which houses we’re referring to. Here we see the difference between â€Å"that† and â€Å"which.† Since we could remove â€Å"which we rented† without changing the overall meaning of the sentence, it is a non-restrictive clause. You’ll notice too that the â€Å"which† clause is contained within commas, indicating the use of a non-restrictive relative clause. We also use a comma when a non-restrictive relative clause appears at the end of the sentence: I spent years living in infested buildings, which wasn’t much fun. That or Which? Keeping in mind these differences, knowing whether to use â€Å"that† or â€Å"which† at any given point simply requires asking, â€Å"Does this clause change the meaning of my sentence?† If removing the additional detail would change the meaning of the sentence, you need to use â€Å"that.† If removing the detail doesn’t change the overall meaning, you should use â€Å"which† and set the clause within parenthetical commas. Remember: Restrictive relative clause (i.e., one that changes the meaning of the sentence) = That Non-restrictive relative clause (i.e., one that doesn’t change the meaning) = Which

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Cultural and Intercultural Communication Practices Essay - 1

Cultural and Intercultural Communication Practices - Essay Example   Starting with low context, this theory can be described as cultures where it is more important to communicate to the masses versus a specific population. For example, the United States of American and the United Kingdom are countries that considered low context groups due to their standard form of communication style and tone. In these countries, communication is done in the context of messages to a large population versus a specialized group. With this understanding, low context culture is also known to communicate through words and verbal cues versus allowing people to make their own inferences through the context of a given scenario or event. Because of these aspects, people in low context cultures tend to be more logical, individualistic, action-oriented and linear than those in high context cultures (Marin n.d.). Low context communication is expected to be concise and straightforward so there is little room for error when listening to communication messages. While low contex t cultures center on large populations, a high context culture focuses on types of communication messages that are specific to a certain group within the culture. With the purpose of high context cultures being to communicate specifically between specialized groups within a culture, people have a lot more opportunity to use their own inferences to make decisions and gather information versus those in a low context culture. Examples of high context cultures include France, China, Japan, Russia and India.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Principles of Accounting SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Principles of Accounting SLP - Essay Example At the same time, the consistent communication will enlighten the employees on their effect of choices on the company’s future and on their future. Opportunities for misstatement and fraud exist upon every line item on balance sheet and income statement. Therefore, the finance managers should able to identify the ‘red flags’ and ask the right kind of questions. (Mabry, 2007) The two components of a balance sheet and/or income statement can be used as a â€Å"red flag† to alert of potential fraudulent activity are An in-depth analysis of the ratios of the financial statements can be used to detect the fraudulent activities of the company. A change in ratio over a period of time or over one year should be rational and logical that can be explained properly. Any unusual ratio jump or fluctuations or extreme deviations from the industry average that cannot be explained rationally need to be investigated. This is how the analysis of ratios can be used as a method of fraud detection. (Harrington, 2005) Mabry, B. and Toivonen, S. (2007) "Detecting Financial Statement Fraud: What Every Corporate Manager Needs to Know - Oil & Gas Financial Journal." Oil & Gas Financial Journal- Coverage of Oil and Gas Markets, Companies and Stocks.. Web. 26 Mar. 2011. . Harrington, C. (2005) "Association of Certified Fraud Examiners." Association of Certified Fraud Examiners - Fraud Training & Education. Web. 26 Mar. 2011.

Effective Leaders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Effective Leaders - Essay Example To lead, you require some qualities such as strength of mind, the eagerness to determine, defy the class quo, proceed for what you accepted as true, hazard, negative responses, rise up against power, and modify. To make my opinion more clear and effective I would describe the difference between Managerial work and leadership. Managerial work is a division of leadership abilities. It is often heard that people try to divide them that they are leaders, but not managers. But the people who use to say this are usually incorrect while it appears to attracting the supporters which formulates it hard to judge them as victorious leaders. A leader is somebody who does things perfectly and who knows where to go. Where as managerial work is how to do things perfectly and how they really get there. A student of a college or school who makes a group of friends together to go to picnic, so he is acting not just as a leader, but as well as a manager. Someone who wants to be a leader, but does not want to do with managerial work is a self-indulgent. Leadership and managerial work always collaborate in order give an efficient result. Straightforwardly, managerial work is the procedure of describing and calculating the success. A leader is the one who places the idea, describes victory, and verifies the capacity of success will be extra efficient than the similar leader who wishes to place the idea but declines to accept any effort in the managerial area. Therefore, effective leader is a person who controls and makes an impact on people. Every person owns leadership potential. Effective Leadership is not restricted to group decision-making or high flier. Effective Leadership can, and frequently does, 'appear from inside. Every person of your Land concern group is a helper. Helpers are not essential to do something. They are stimulated to accomplish things. Motivation can appear firstly from the wish to improve the surroundings or make better farm production, however it requires be continuously revitalization, and communicating. That is where effective leadership enters. To be an effective leader one should have make up hisher mind and set tasks, it will assist to decide what the followers desire to get. It might be up to the Leader to begin this procedure, but it is much simple to guide a group when a leader suggests where the group wishes to move. To make the leadership more effective leaders have to observe their group members. The most excellent technique to do this is by starting discussions and after that paying attention to the group. By listening, Leader will observe regarding their benefit and find out ways so that they can be more concerned in the group. They should converse evidently and normally. Explain their group aims and ethics, and keep distributing their ideas with their workers. Effective Leaders always engage workers in arranging goals. They give many advices on how can they move toward the tasks. Leaders have to give their workers few responsibilities and authority and guide them. Effective Leaders have to be liable on their selves. Establish a consultative board or managerial team to support them to make better planned decisions and the team could give them opinion on their own work. Effective leaders should be honest with their work and expand faith to their workers. That will help leaders to be dependable and make the company stronger. To be an effective

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Unit Testing of Software Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Unit Testing of Software - Essay Example Unit testing increases confidence in maintaining or changing the code. Good unit tests also increase the detectability of defects that may arise when changing codes. The development of unit testing is faster. The test runs take very less time as there is no need of firing the GUI and providing all the inputs. Â  Additionally, fixing defects detected during unit testing costs lesser than in higher levels of testing (Craig & Jaskiel, 2002). Debugging at this level is easy since only the latest changes need to be debugged contrary to higher levels where changes made over the span of several days or weeks may need to be debugged (Software Testing). Â  There are limits to the number of scenarios and test data that a developer can use to verify the source code. This means that after exhausting all options the developer has no choice but to merge the code segment with other units (Software Testing). Â  Integration testing involves testing combined parts of an application to determine if they function correctly together. Integration testing is performed after unit testing and before system testing. Integration testing is necessary to identify faults in the interaction between integrated units. Test stubs and test drivers are useful in performing integration testing (Tutorials Point). Â  When manufacturing a ballpoint pen, the body, the cap, the clip and tail, the ballpoint, and the ink cartridge are unit tested separately. When the units are ready, they are assembled and integration testing is performed. For instance, one would test whether the cap fits into the body (Tutorials Point). Â  Big bang approach involves combining all or most of the units together and testing them together.

A Critical Analysis of Own Video Work. Hush (2013) Essay

A Critical Analysis of Own Video Work. Hush (2013) - Essay Example The movie focuses on the illustration of the psychological disintegration of the lead character, Alice, who bereaves the death of her son, Jason. She appears obsessed with her son and while doing the chores in the course of her daily life, her attention goes back to her son. Her son’s memories haunt her through his possessions such as his guitar and mask, the room he had used, his pictures and even the â€Å"Spiderman Song† from his favourite cartoon. She also seems to be haunted by her own childhood, which reflects on the fragmented manner in which the thoughts about her son come to her. She lives alone and the movie makes no reference to her husband or any other relatives. Thus, it transpires that her son was the only person she loved and cared for and this explains her obsession for him. This obsession with her dead child destabilizes her present life and finally erodes her sanity and she ends up in a mental hospital. The movie eloquently portrays the disintegration of the young mother by relying purely on the actions of the protagonist within 4 consecutive days inside her house and using distorted images of her daily routines. In doing this, the movie seems to have drawn inspiration from many acclaimed directors of the horror and psychological thriller movies, especially from David Lynch and Sharon Maguire. The movie has several elements that conform to the concepts of horror and psychological thriller movies, including its theme, the sequences of action, setting, sound and music. Rather than revealing characterization through dialogue or plot development, the movie focuses on simple and routine actions of the protagonist to reveal her psychological condition, trauma and obsession with her son. It, however, follows a systematic approach albeit through the depiction of the changes in the character’s routine to illustrate how her behavioural pattern keeps changing within a matter of a few days, due to her disintegrating mental state. Thus , the movie, through illustrating the changes in the behavioural pattern of the protagonist portrays her mental state and shows how the obsessions can devastate the lives of human beings. The creative minds of people can sometimes follow a similar line of thinking and, as a result, one artist may perceive the same method for illustrating a particular in the same way that another has done. David Lynch is a highly popular and critically acclaimed director who has created many a masterpieces that have been celebrated as epoch making events in movie history. He is also known for his style of depicting the psychological traumas in individuals by showing distorted images from their daily lives to allude to their deteriorating mental states. The movie Hush also displays several traits that are typical attributes of Lynch’s style of representing the psychological problems in his characters. This can be evidenced from how the character in this movie displays the disintegration of her mind through the variations in her actions. The audience initially sees Alice in the movie when she does her make up in a leisurely manner, paying sharp attention to the details. She works on her eyelashes and cheeks in an unhurried manner and the cosmetics and other items are kept neat and tidy. Thus, the movie creates in the audience the understanding that things are normal for Alice and she is in a relaxed mood. In the next scene she is again shown tidying up the house, slowly dusting the surfaces and then she wipes the framed photograph of Jason, pauses to take a look at him, touches the picture and then moves off. But the memory lingers in her mind, as suggested by the tune of the lullaby with its ending note. Alice prepares tea and sits down and stirs it when the camera zooms to the door of Jason’

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Unit Testing of Software Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Unit Testing of Software - Essay Example Unit testing increases confidence in maintaining or changing the code. Good unit tests also increase the detectability of defects that may arise when changing codes. The development of unit testing is faster. The test runs take very less time as there is no need of firing the GUI and providing all the inputs. Â  Additionally, fixing defects detected during unit testing costs lesser than in higher levels of testing (Craig & Jaskiel, 2002). Debugging at this level is easy since only the latest changes need to be debugged contrary to higher levels where changes made over the span of several days or weeks may need to be debugged (Software Testing). Â  There are limits to the number of scenarios and test data that a developer can use to verify the source code. This means that after exhausting all options the developer has no choice but to merge the code segment with other units (Software Testing). Â  Integration testing involves testing combined parts of an application to determine if they function correctly together. Integration testing is performed after unit testing and before system testing. Integration testing is necessary to identify faults in the interaction between integrated units. Test stubs and test drivers are useful in performing integration testing (Tutorials Point). Â  When manufacturing a ballpoint pen, the body, the cap, the clip and tail, the ballpoint, and the ink cartridge are unit tested separately. When the units are ready, they are assembled and integration testing is performed. For instance, one would test whether the cap fits into the body (Tutorials Point). Â  Big bang approach involves combining all or most of the units together and testing them together.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Personal Philosophy Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Personal Philosophy - Research Paper Example Finally, I share my view in my personal philosophy’s implications for contemporary and future nursing roles. Keywords: personal philosophy, nursing, patient care, health, Jean Watson Having been exposed to the nursing profession has empowered me to adopt a deeper life perspective in terms of this chosen career of mine. Like most people, I used to box nursing into a job for people who are knowledgeable about health care and applying such knowledge to patients. I also expected nurses to treat their patients kindly, short of patronizing their whims in order for them to recuperate soon. Tasks of nurses were limited to administering medication as ordered by the physician, monitoring patients’ vital signs, making sure that patients are comfortable and ensuring that their environments are clean and sanitary. Upon entering the field, I realized I was right, but what I knew was just the tip of the iceberg. Nursing is so much more than that! It involves a deeper meaning of care a nd understanding of the person being cared for. My philosophy about nursing broadened as time went by. For me, a nurse has multiple roles. More than a caregiver, she is an educator, an advocate, a counsellor, a manager and a researcher. She is a lifelong learner who tirelessly researches about the latest developments in health care and promotes health practices to her patients. She makes sure they understand what they are going through because in doing so, it gives them power over their illness. Providing them with all the support they need, the nurse involves with the patients’ families and even the community. Focusing on the patients entails the nurse being compassionate to their condition, loving, dependable, empathetic and comforting. The patients are made to feel special, like a beloved family member of the nurse, and not just a generic patient in need of treatment. Quality care is ensured resulting in overall positive outcomes for the patient. The patient is seen as a p erson with rights to excellent health care. This is not limited to medical care, but to other aspects that affect his health and well-being: physical, psychological, spiritual and cultural. Nurses should take all these in consideration when caring for the person. The patient should be accorded with utmost respect and not be made to feel like a burden because of his illness. His pain and suffering from the illness is not shared by anyone else so he is the expert in terms of how he feels and this should always be considered in his treatment. The environment where the patient is cared for, whether it is a hospital or clinic, is conducive to healing because it considers all the factors affecting the person’s health and well-being (physical, psychological, spiritual and cultural). It is the role of the nurse that the needs of the patient in all these areas are met. Health is the outcome of the interaction of a person with the environment and constantly changes over time. This impl ies that efficient nursing care achieves the health goals for the person being cared for adopting the most current and most effective interventions for his illness and customizing it to the person’s personal, family and cultural background. My nursing philosophy has been heavily influenced by Jean Watson, a nursing theorist who proposed the Theory of Human Caring. This

Monday, October 14, 2019

Practice Question for Phl264 Essay Example for Free

Practice Question for Phl264 Essay Info- the test is 90 mins, you must answer 5 questions, and at least 1 from each section. (That’s 18 mins for each question) There is 1 question from each week’s material. It’s a good idea to practise writing by hand so you know how much you can write in 18 mins. Section A 1 What, according to Peter singer, is an ultimate choice? How do ultimate choices conflict with other choices? How do you think we should choose when faced with an ultimate choice? 2 What is the distinction between top down, bottom up and reflective equilibrium reasoning? What do you think is the most appropriate form of reasoning and why? 3 Do you agree with Milton Friedman that a manager’s primary obligation is to increase profits in accordance with the law (firstly, explain Friedman’s view) 4. According to the stakeholder view of business ethics, managers have a broad set of obligations to different stakeholder groups. Explain and evaluate this view. Section B 1 Does advertising violate autonomy? (For a question like this, it is best to firstly discuss the views of theorists in class, e. g. Arrington and/or Lippke, then discuss what you think in a critical way) 2 Do business have responsibilities to protect the environment? (same as above, regarding Des Jardins, Bullard etc. ) 3 What is affirmative action, and is it a type of reverse discrimination? Can AA and/or reverse discrimination be justified? 4 How do corporations influence the government? Is such influence justified? Section C 1 Pogge argues that we are obligated to help the poor in 3rd world countries because we are partially responsible for their plight. Explain and evaluate this view (Note- the 2 topic this week are globalisation and sweatshop labour- the question could be on either of these topics) 2. What are some of the moral problems of gift giving in the pharmaceutical industry? Do you think give giving need to be restricted? Why and in what way? 3 Kultgen argues that professional codes unfairly elevate the status of the professions to afford professionals higher social status, pay and power. Do you agree? 4 In what situations is whistleblowing morally justified? Is whistle blowing ever morally obligatory?

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Migration Plan from UNIX to Microsoft Server

Migration Plan from UNIX to Microsoft Server Data Migration is the process of transferring data between different storage types, servers or formats. It’s not just about copying data, but also about validating the data according to constraints and since different databases uses different data types, this step also include modifying the data as per the target server. One essential requirement is that the data migrated should verify the Business logic to run applications smoothly on target server. Migrating from one server to another can be a tricky situation. There are various challenges while migration of full data from UNIX server to Microsoft Server. First of all the user should completely understand the data sources and their proper formats. Usually, too many spreadsheets or excel files, or redundant data may affect proper migration. Wherever possible, instead of manual, automated systems should be used. Microsoft offers MAP (Microsoft Assessment and Planning) tool to identify the various constraints, or issues that might occur while migrating from UNIX platform to Microsoft server. Moreover, SSMA (SQL Server Migration Assistant) can further help in performing the migration. SSMA can create mapped schemas to UNIX server, which helps in easy migration of data. It is essential that the all applications like email, finance systems, personal records, CAD/CAM engineering facilities, production systems, Sales Marketing databases, Website etc. should run smoothly after migration. There are various underlying steps that need to be taken care of for easy and error-free migration, as explained below: Recognizing the pattern-Template Creation: To begin migration, first we’ll have to understand the schema of UNIX database. We’ll create a template consisting of master data key objects. The template has following two sections: Section 1: Key Data Fields: In the first section of the template user will provide the key values, such as storage objects material, address etc. Usually, in key field columns, drop-down lists are provided for accurate and easy entry of data. Section 2: Derived and Default Fields:Based on the key field values, various fields can be derived based on the Business translational logic. For example, using the production unit key field the template will determine the employee names working in it. For different production units, different employee names will be automatically derived by the template. The default fields like, â€Å"currency used† will be automatically updated. Process of Migration: The process of migration is summarized on the figure below: Figure-1 (Source: Ranga Rao Davala, Nikhil Singh, 2011, A Case Study on Data Migration Strategy, The Data Administration Newsletter, Robert Seiner Publishers.) Select Source:Due to various applications running on UNIX server, the data will be spread across many sources like different DBs, excel files or spreadsheets. In this step, user will identify the various data sources that are to be migrated. The selection of sources will be based upon the requirements in the project, according to which what data needs to be migrated can be identified. Data Fields Mapping:This is an essential step, where the schema or key fields from source system are mapped to target system. The field names in target schemas should be kept similar to source schema for easy mapping. This step is usually done manually for error-free mapping. Usually the different database servers will have different underlying data types. For example, Integer’s maximum and minimum limit in UNIX server is different from in SQL Server. The mapped data, therefore, should be transformed according to destination server data types. Data Transformation:This is where the template we created will come in picture. User will manually enter the key field values in the template and based on that all the derived and default field values will be generated automatically. Moreover, in this step, the user will transform the data based on the difference between data types of both servers. Validations and Constraints:This step is to ensure that the data entered in the template is accurate. The template will gray out the field which are entered wrong or doesn’t qualify the constraints, such as mandatory fields, null values etc. This step will help in minimizing errors and improving the quality of data. Extract Files:Once the data is entered into the template, the master data objects are extracted or generated. Load files:The load files are in text format, and they can be generated in single click by macro-enabled extract files system. This step ensures that data present in the text file is in exactly the same format as we require in the Microsoft system. Loading data in Microsoft Server:The data is loaded in batches. Since there are multiple applications running on UNIX system that are to be migrated, this step may take several hours to complete. Web server migration (FTP or HTTP Websites) Once we have completed the initial steps of creating a template and selecting the proper migration tools, we can begin full migration from UNIX to Microsoft server i.e. IIS. We must follow following steps: Assessment of hardware requirements and acquiring new hardware if required. We can begin migrating FTP or HTTP websites by copying their content to destination server. Next step is to replicate Web application files to destination. Migration of log files. Migration of Web server configuration settings. The last step is to create security settings and user permission and roles. DHCP/DNS Migration: The process of migrating UNIX server DHCP/DNS services to Microsoft Windows Server DHCP/DNS servers requires the following steps: Install Microsoft Windows Server DHCP/DNS Services Manually Configure Microsoft Windows Server DHCP/DNS Services Create Forward and Reverse Lookup Zones: Creating lookup zones will make sure that Microsoft server is authoritative for the DHCP/DNS names for local resources and forwards other queries to an ISP or performs recursive resolutions. Add secondary zones to Microsoft Windows Server DHCP/DNS for the existing zones that are hosted on UNIX based DHCP/DNS servers. In this step we’ll initiate zone transfers at the Microsoft Windows Server-based DHCP/DNS servers to transfer the zones from the UNIX servers. After the transfers are successful we will convert secondary zones into primary zones. In the last step, we’ll point client configurations to Microsoft Windows based DHCP/DNS Servers. Avoiding downtime while migrating: We can avoid the downtime while migration by reconfiguring our sites to connect to our new database remotely. Using this way, our users or visitors will be redirected to new site and all the updates will be saved to new server. This technique is, though, very complex, but it will minimize the downtime to a great extent. We can summarise this process in following steps: Transfer the files, DBs and important settings to the new server. Then we can test our site on the new server to check if it’s working as expected. After two steps are successfully completed, we will change the various database settings on our site, to make sure that the old server accesses the DB from the new server. Then we’ll modify the name servers and DNS and point them to the new server.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

BioEthics :: essays research papers

Bio-Ethics The issue of bio-ethics presents a myriad of new dilemmas; all of which have arisen in the recent past, and must be addressed in the near future. The majority of these questions stem from the introduction of new, genetically-engineered organisms. These organisms, or at least many of them, are created in laboratories, by gene splicing, swapping, etc. and essentially, these scientists are playing god, creating biological entities as they want them. This is the main source of the controversy. In more developed countries where genetically engineered disputes may ensue, the trend is total protection through patents and other regulatory and monitoring agencies. These problems come about from identification of the new bio-engineered organisms, and this approach allows the industries and entrepreneurs to recover the enormous costs involved in the research and development of genetic engineering. It promotes the development of products to benefit society, and it allows access for a larger genetic bank for analyses, experimentation, and investigation. There is a second side to this coin-it means that the researchers can assert an excessive price to their ‘product' while eliminating any competition for a given period of time. It allows for copies of living things to be made easily and inexpensively. This happens outside the United States, where strict regulations are not in continuity with those pirating compact discs in Japan, bottling Coca Cola in India, etc. No countries spend any monetary amount comparable to the over 300 million dollars to run the patent and trademark office, as the U.S. does. Another observation can be made that because of the time involved and the cost that the free flow of information is inhibited between researchers. These arguments all take place under the umbrella that "Life forces can be controlled by ownership." Many countries take the view that these genetic products are not intellectual property, and as such, not subject to the conventional patent laws. These properties should not be protected and belong to society as much as any organism which has naturally evolved through normal processes. GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariff) has attempted to address this issue through a larger commercial / trade package; however, this is a position in which very little agreement among parties is found.

Friday, October 11, 2019

English characters Essay

Adela can be paralleled to Kurtz in Conrad’s novella, who like her is in some ways also aware of the power of imperialism and its negative effects, as well as the changes it forces upon those living under its influence. Kurtz was a bright ambitious man drawn to the Congo by imperialism’s force, however unlike the Anglo-Indians such as Ronnie and Mr Turton, it can be interpreted he became aware of the negative effect imperialism was having upon him, and as a result his â€Å"soul [is] mad. † For me Kurtz’s dying words on his deathbed: â€Å"The Horror. The Horror. † have great significance these final words are open to any number of interpretations, from meaning the horror of the things he has witnessed, to the horror of the Congo environment itself. My own interpretation is that this shows Kurtz’s realization of his own â€Å"Heart of Darkness† and the shocking deeds he has done under its corrupting influence. Perhaps the only real difference between a Kurtz and a Ronnie or a Turton, is that Kurtz has recognised the effect imperialism has had on him and has seemingly made a conscious decision to go along with this corruption completely, with devastating consequences. While characters such as Kurtz and Adela are somewhat aware of their changes and the negative consequences, the majority of characters in Forster’s novel (or at least – the imperialist Anglo-Indians) are also aware of the changes which occur in English people once under the influence of the Raj, but are hypocritical and do not see themselves as corrupted or racist. They simply believe that this is the only proper way for them to act. Ronnie himself who was once nice to the Indians, after just a brief period under the influence of imperialism in India, now aspires to be like Mr Turton who he sees a character of the utmost wisdom, and as a result has copied his behaviour. Conrad paints a harsh, brutal portrait of imperialism in his novella, giving little or no characterisation to any of the African slaves/natives. He seems to present the slaves merely as objects or machines or even in one instance â€Å"angles†. He does not name any characters but gives them a title according to their job or characteristics, characters such as The Helmsman, who had been educated by Marlowe’s poor predecessor only to perform one task, and that was to steer the boat. Compared to Conrad, Forster might appear tame. Conrad depicts the brutality of imperialism in a shocking way, showing the black slaves being made to perform meaningless hard-labour tasks such as digging holes and describing the physical state of their bodies in disturbingly graphic detail; Marlowe the narrator can see â€Å"every rib†. In Forster’s novel however perhaps the most shocking incident is the alleged assault of Adela which probably didn’t even happen. However Conrad does show some compassion in his novel, the slaves or ‘Hollowmen’, are pitied by Conrad’s protagonist Marlowe: he offers a biscuit to a dying slave and also saves the helmsmen’s corpse from being eaten by cannibals. Added to this are Marlowe’s views on imperialism itself, apparently similar to Forster’s: â€Å"This conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion [†¦ ] than ourselves, is not a pretty thing. † Forster, it has been argued â€Å"looks dispassionately at the phenomenon of imperialism† (John Beer), and indeed, unlike Conrad, Forster in many ways shows imperialism in a much less obviously brutal light. However, I would argue that he does indicate a great dislike of people’s inner â€Å"Heart of Darkness†, which allows for the negative effects of imperialism, and he does so more gradually, through the in-depth characterisation of his characters. He particularly achieves this through those he is sympathetic with, such as Aziz, in whom he shows both the good points and bad (he is not afraid to show racism present in his Indian characters)- making the Indians, unlike Conrad’s slaves, real people, who we as readers can empathise with, rather than simply be horrified by. Forster’s sympathetic characterisation of the Indians makes the acts of racism against them all the more sad, and by this he does paint, like Conrad, a brutal picture of Imperialism, through use of characters who have had their ‘hearts of darkness’ triggered by imperialism and make such shockingly racist, not to mention patronising, remarks as â€Å"The kindest thing one can do to a native is to let it die† (Mrs Callendar). Forster also gets us to sympathise with English characters who do not look â€Å"dispassionately at the phenomenon of imperialism,† such as Fielding (Indeed Fielding is believed by many to be Forster’s representation of himself in the book). He through Fielding attempts to show the good in people, and like Conrad’s Marlowe, but to a much greater extent, shows acts of compassion and liberal mindedness in Fielding: he is the first English professor to teach Indians in his university and has Indian friends such as Godbole, and becomes a friend to Aziz. However Forster makes it all too clear that Fielding is a on his own, a man swimming in a sea of racists, such as the Turtons and Callandars. The act which sets Fielding most apart from his fellow Englishmen is of course his support of Aziz in the Marabar affair; but even he shows his inner â€Å"heart of darkness† when he deserts Aziz at the train station and at the end of the trial.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Economics †production possibilities curves Essay

â€Å"Explain how production possibilities curves can be used to demonstrate the problem of unemployment, the effects of technological change and the benefits of economic growth.†A production possibility frontier (also known as production possibility curve) represents all the possible combinations of the production of two types of goods and services that the economy can produce at any given time through graphical means. It is used to clearly demonstrate the problem of unemployment, the effects of technological change and the benefits of economic growth of a modified view of an economy. A typical production possibility frontier is based on four simplifying assumptions:1.The economy only produces two types of goods and services2.The state of technology remains unchanged3.The quantity of resources remains unchanged4.All resources are fully employedUsing the given assumptions, a production possibility frontier may be constructed. Fig 1.1 shows all the maximum possible combination of the production of wheat and cars in an economy when all resources are employed. Society must make decisions on which combination is most desirable, and thus, involving an opportunity cost. This is shown at point C on the line where in order to obtain 40 units of clothing, 50 units of food must be given up. The line AB shows the ideal spot in which an economy should lie as it signifies that all resources are efficiently employed, however in reality, this is often not the case and the problem of unemployment arises. Unemployment in an economy can be clearly identified in a production possibility frontier as the position of the economy would be shifted into the area within the curve. This is demonstrated in Fig 1.1 by X. Economy X is illustrated as producing 100 units of wheat and 40 units of cars, significantly reduced from the potential production of 150 units of wheat or 80 units of cars. This inefficient use of resources negatively impacts on the economy as the potential profit of the whole economy is reduced and resources are wasted. The production possibility frontier is able to clearly visualise the relationship between the production of two goods and services and indicate the state of an economy and its allocation of resources thus demonstrate the problem of unemployment and how it affects the economy’s profit and future implications. A change in the production possibility frontier may occur with technological improvements. This would often shift the curve in an outward direction, signifying the economy being able to develop a high quantity of goods or services with the same number of resource. In many cases, the technological advancement may only benefit to one of the goods or services. For example, the discovery of a genetic code to harvest wheat faster will benefit the production of wheat however, having no effect on the production of cars. This is shown in Fig 1.2 by the line DB where the line is shifted outwards from point A to point D and gradually declining to point B. In this case, 250 units of wheat may be produced as opposed to the original 200 units, providing a gain in production, and thus, the economy’s profits. On the other hand, if the technological advancement benefit both of the goods or services equally, it will cause the curve to shift outwards parallel to the original. An example may be new machinery developed that aids in the production of cars and wheat. This is demonstrated in Fig 1.3 where line AB shifts outwards to line DE. However, this parallel movement of the curve usually occurs with the discovery of new resources. Economic growth refers to an economy’s capacity to produce more goods and services. Factors of economic growth includes: technological improvement; discovery of new resources; increase in population, thus increase in labour. This may be clearly presented with the production possibility frontier by comparing the curves of a past or present economy to a present or future economy. This may be seen in Fig 1.4 where the curve is stretched outwards and the potential production rate is increased. For example point C on the line AB producing 150 units of wheat and 40 units of cars will be shifted to point F, producing 200 units of wheat and 50 units of cars. Economic growth indicates a benefit to our society as more wants and needs will be satisfied in the society, thus improving the standard of living of individuals in the economy. This implicates that the economy will be able to  support a larger population and provide better facilities or environment. A production possibility frontier may be described as one of the essential tools in economics. It allows the viewer to graphically identify the relationships of two different types of goods or services, compare the past/present/future status of an economy and identify the position of the economy in relations to the curve. It demonstrates the problem of unemployment, the effects of technological changes and the benefits of economic growth. bibliography: tim dixon economics textbook

What facts surprised you most in the essay?

Some of the facts that I’ve found surprising to read are as follows:It is devastating to note that fast food has become so ingrained in the American lifestyle that they are spending more money on hamburgers than any other thing.It has become more like a routine and is much embedded into their daily lives that, one quarter of the U. S population ends up consuming fast food for their meals.The fast food industry has not only transformed the diet but subsequently the culture, economy, workforce and the society at large.McDonald’s contributes a major share in the provision of jobs.It is responsible for 90% of the country’s new jobs.It has more retail outlets than any other merchant in the U. S.McDonald's is now the nation's largest purchaser of beef, pork, and potatoes. It is the second-largest purchaser of chicken in the U. S.The golden arches are now more widely recognized than the Christian cross.QUESTION 2 In paragraph 4 what parallels does he draw between the growth of fast food industry and fundamental changes in American society? Answer: The writers make an attempt to highlight the reasons for changes in workforce demographics during the early 70’s and their after effect on the American society.Owing to the decline of wages, starting from the mid 70’s, the American economy experienced profound changes that had a direct impact on the overall economy, society and consequently the typical American household. During this period more and more women had to come out of their homes in order to meet their household expenses. As a result, in order to meet the demands of the fast-paced life, the traditional home cooking gave way to fast food culture. The shift from domestic cooking to fast-food restaurant meals is one of the factors responsible for the rapid growth of fast-food industry.QUESTION 3What does he have to say about standardization, uniformity, conformity at the one hand, and non-conformist entrepreneurs on the other?Answer: The fast food business has a very dominating influence on the American culture, business and economy. Some big names as like McDonald’s have gained tremendous control over the market share and have made and devastating impact on the food processing systems in the United States that has actually created a system of standardization for the rest to follow. The basic systems have become the operating systems of the fast food industry.The concept of uniformity is well taken by many all around the world. The customer’s confidence is based on the premise that they will get the same quality, no matter where they are in the world. The feeling of reassurance from the customer’s side underlies the trust that they have in the company, and this is one the key areas that these companies never compromise on. The concept of conformance is one of the core key success factors that have enabled McDonald’s and other to expand globally with winning returns. It is one the fundamental secret to their success.They have very intelligently blended co nformity with innovation and creativity. The industry is on the verge of constant innovation and comes up with new ideas every now and then. They thrive to conform to the standards set by them and instill the franchise owner to abide by them. The non-conformists have no place to stand if they plan to venture into such conformist driven enterprises. They consider conformance is their basic principle of success, no matter where they operate in the world.QUESTION 4What final facts does he conclude with? How do they lend a dramatic end to his conclusion?Answer: In the end, the writer turns a critical eye and discusses the pros and cons, the positives and negatives that this massively grown industry has brought with it. He makes an attempt to draw a very critical analysis starting from the inception of the fast food industry, how it progressed through the decades and its effects on the American culture, society, and economy. It is indeed very interesting to see that the progress of this industry has defied all odds.It was founded by people who were self-made and had no formal education in business. And yet, they were the ones who took all the risks and came up with innovative ideas all the way. Although this sector holds the crown of being the largest private employer and has been providing lots of jobs, but the wages offered are very low with no benefits attached. The workers move from one job to another with no skill enhancement. Very few are fortunate enough to make to the top. Majority of the workers remain within the low wage category throughout their lives with very bleak chances of progression.Moreover, the working conditions for low waged workers are also not favourable and can be lethal at times. In order to attain maximum profit, the fast food corporations have gained much control over the production side of various food items in the United States. They have taken over the place of the family-run farms. Hence, despite the positive and negative aspects, it is noteworthy to mention that these corporate giants have taken a great degree of control on the American economy and society. They have now become part of the structure and are a major contributor in the industrialization of the American system.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Violence in Mass Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Violence in Mass Media - Essay Example Currently, the media has become a central element of the social environment. Through the television, radio, movies, video games and the internet, a significant number of the population, particularly children are exposed to high levels of violent content. Resultantly, the frequent consumption of violent content facilitates imitative learning thus leading to increase in aggressive and violent behavior in children. The prevalent in real-world aggression and violent acts creates a need to effectively mitigate the violent content by the media so as to ensure societal well-being. An ideal intervention strategy in mitigating media violence is parental/adult intervention. Parents can play a detrimental role in restricting children’s access to media violence. The violent media content can be substituted with non-violent media content so as to promote behavioral change thus reducing the violent culture (Humphrey & Palmer 45). Parents can also play a key role in promoting media literacy. Parents/adults can educate the youth regarding the effects of violence and the mechanisms used by the media to portray violence as acceptable, useful and detached from negative consequences (Humphrey & Palmer 44). Ideally, the parents can educate the youths on the impact of too much media violence and the difference between reality and fantasy. Considering the detrimental role played by parents in child development, parental intervention is an ideal way of mitigating the impacts of media violence in the society.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Analysis of Country Road's financial performance Assignment

Analysis of Country Road's financial performance - Assignment Example The company net profitability declined in 2012 as compared to the 2009; whereas the gross profitability increased by a mere 0.7% in 2012 as compared to 2009. This signifies the growing inefficiencies and disabilities in the company to control costs and expenses. Step Three The profitability provided a better measure as compared to the profits. This is because the profitability analyses the profits with terms to the growing sales; and therefore, helps in measuring the efficiency of the company in controlling costs and expenses with the increasing sales. (Keiso 1999) Step Four a. Appended figure 3 shows the extended trend analysis on the expenses for the period 2009-2012. b. Depreciation and Amortization expenses have increased the most over the period. The expense has increased by 57% in 2012 as compared to the expense in 2009. The second most increased expense is the occupancy expense which increased by 38.4% over the same period. Step Five a. Appended figure 4 shows the vertical ana lysis performed on the identified items of the income statement. b. Cost of goods sold, employment expense, marketing expenses and other expenses as a percentage of sales have decreased over the period 2009-2012 whereas occupancy expense and depreciation and amortization expense as a percentage of sales have increased over the same period. c. The company has been efficient in controlling certain costs and expenses with the increase in sales. The increase in depreciation and amortization is due to increase in total assets. Step Six Over the period, the sales have increased 22.1 percent showing improved performance by the company. However, the profit margins have declined because of the increasing expenses over the same period. The company has proved to be inefficient in controlling its administrative and selling expenses which have all increased compared to the base year 2009. The company has been holding too much inventory in its warehouses which has increased its management expense s. On the other hand, the company has been prudent in controlling its direct costs which has helped them improve their gross margins. Similarly, this could also happen due to the accumulated inventory which would be priced lower in the inflationary period. Step Seven a. Appended figure 5 shows the trend analysis on several balance sheet item totals from 2009-2012. b. This clearly explains the trend which signifies that the falling ROE is due to the increase in the equity by 26.2 % but with no cumulative effect on the net profits which have been declining during the same time. On the other hand, the assets have increased by 3.3% whereas the earnings before interest and tax have declined over the period; again the reason for the falling ROA. c. ROE measures the return to the equity holders- the owners of the company where as ROA measures the ability of the company in using its resources to make profits for the all stakeholders-owners as well as creditors. (Keiso 1999) d. ROA would be considered a better measure by the investors. It is because is measures the returns to all the stakeholders- the owners as well as lenders. Likewise, it also measures the ability of the company in the usage of the resources. It helps in evaluation the management of the company as well. (Keiso 1999) Step Eight a. Appended figure 6 shows the calculations and the ratios. b. The dividend payout ratio

Monday, October 7, 2019

Denver International airport Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Denver International airport - Research Paper Example However, there are some conspiracies surrounding the airport. It is claimed that Denver International was built by the Illuminati as the control center for the global extermination that will initiate the New World Order (Anomalies-unlimited, n.d.). These conspiracies also claim that DIA has fewer runways compared to the old Stapleton International Airport, and despite widespread protests, it was built and opened in 1995, thus reducing Denvers capacity. It is said to have up to 8 levels of underground facilities, and workers there refuse to give details about their work and what they do. They claim that electromagnetic pulse, resulting from the experiments conducted in these basements lead to the shattering of fourteen commercial aircrafts in 2007. The airport is fenced by barbed wire, with an inward angle, to keep people in, unlike other airports. The runways are placed in the shape of a swastika from a bird’s eye view (Anomalies-unlimited, n.d.). Indoors, the airport gets stranger with the Illuminati appearing to have displayed their plans for worldwide extermination and a New World Order in two large paintings and the Mayan symbol for 2012 presiding over all. On the floor close to the paintings "Au Ag" is written, which is said to be the abbreviation for a deadly toxin Australia Antigen, and markedly the Illuminatis weapon of choice to achieve the extermination. Furthermore, strange words in an unknown language are inscribed on the floors. And finally, the Queen of England, another supposed Illuminatus, has been covertly and secretly buying up the property near the airport (Anomalies-unlimited, n.d.). If we do a little research, then all these conspiracies can be explained logically and proven wrong. The old Stapleton Airport was in the middle of the city. It was 65 years old and was a constant nuisance due to noise. It had only three runways, 10,000 foot each, whereas Denver International has

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Outline the history of excavation and interpretation at great Essay

Outline the history of excavation and interpretation at great Zimbabwe. What does this history tell us about colonialist ideolog - Essay Example This archeological site is famous as the place where south- African dry- stone architectural mastery reached its peak. By 1250-80, lucid stone walling were set up at Great Zimbabwe to create enclosures and platforms to support mud- and pole buildings (Phillipson, 2005, pp.52-53). The existence of Zimbabwean culture to the Western World was reported in the sixteenth century by the Portuguese travelers, although existence of Great Zimbabwe itself was not disclosed until Carl Mauch found stone ruins in Great Zimbabwe in 1871. Carl Mauch, like many other Europeans was of the idea that the biblical city of Ophir and stone buildings such as that of Great Zimbabwe had been built during the time when king Solomon went on to exploit the country’s gold reserves(Hall,1905, pp.295-300). This â€Å"exotic hypothesis† had long been in the minds of excavators coming to Rhodesian districts of south-Africa in search of the so-called ‘King Solomon’s Mines’, even the e xcavators from Rhode’s BSA Company that colonized Zimbabwe in 1890 had embraced this idea. Some were of the belief that the ruins were constructed by the Phoenicians, Arabians or the Egyptians. This â€Å"exotic hypothesis† was challenged by a professional archeologist named David MacIver in 1905. MacIver dated Great Zimbabwe’s medieval periodical origins by forming a stratigraphical connection of the stone walls with those of imports from China and Eastern Asia in the fourteenth to sixteenth century AD. This interpretation was completely contradictory to that of the â€Å"exotic hypothesis† and formed the integral part of his â€Å"essentially African† interpretation. It was however outright rejected by the public. The debate regarding the origins of culture of Zimbabwe involves political emotions as well as scientific verification, and criticisms to the â€Å"exotic hypothesis† are also not strong enough (Huffman & Vogel, 1991, pp.61). Thi s project is an attempt to account the history of the excavations in Zimbabwe through ages and how colonialist ideologies have come into play with emphasis on present political scenario and institutional changes taking place in Zimbabwe now to make it a better place to live in. History of Excavation in Zimbabwe Ever since there has been European settlement in southern parts of Africa since the very beginning of the sixteenth century; innumerable expeditions have taken place to search the wealth of the lost civilizations in the remotest of the interiors. However, all such expeditions have invariably ended without any success. This is quite a testimony to the power of well continued fables of lost cities and lost treasures. It was in 1871 that Carl Mauch, a spirited, energetic and successful explorer found the Great Zimbabwean ruins for the first time. The theory he proposed became the anthem of the many explorers exploring the ruins of Rhodesian Zimbabwe. Mauch, through various compe lx calculations and an imaginative mind noted that the splinters of wood from the forests were very similar to the wood in his pencil both being cedar, thereby indicating only one possibility that this massive stone building was built by none other than the great Queen of Sheba. It was for Mauch only that the vague ideas of a mysterious lost city could be drawn on a map for the very first time. In 1890, the British South Africa Company was captured by Mashonaland and Great Zimbabwe became a victimized possession

Friday, October 4, 2019

Discuss the Iranian Constitutional Revolution's causes and outcomes Essay

Discuss the Iranian Constitutional Revolution's causes and outcomes - Essay Example The Iranian constitutional Revolution of 1906 stands to highlight the pivotal moment, that shaped the formation of the modern Iraq nation. The Iranian society underwent a series of changes that affected its power relations, social structure, and the political language (Campo, 2009:55). In addition, the relentless European penetration into the nation led to its subsequent weakening, affecting the economy as well as the traditional elites thus bringing Iran in the doorsteps of the expanding capitalism system (Afary, Anderson & Foucault, 2005:90). This processes led the country into a change of the constitution. This research paper will analyze the chronology of events that necessitated Iran’s new constitutional dispensation, first the birth of the revolution, secondly the causes of the constitutional revolution and thirdly the outcomes of the constitutional revolution. The itinerary of the revolution To begin with, the itinerary of Iran’s constitutional birth traces back to the days of Qajar regime (Sohrabi, 2011:48). A journey shed new light to the country. It highlighted the role of ordinary citizens, peasantry, the status of women, and the multifaceted structure of the Iranian society, in the course of realizing the new law reforms. As stated earlier in the introduction, the new changes in the military, administrative, educational, and judicial reforms led to emergency of new institutions and a new social stratum of intellectuals. As this seemed not going to end, the simplification of the Persian prose, which aimed at articulating it to a new system of historical narration no longer basing on Muslim, was on its way to change the existing social norms (Daniel, 2000:54). As a reason to this, the dominant Iranian conversation or discourse changed. This discourse, which was the bonding element between state and religion, led to the emergency of new relations of power and knowledge. People shifted away from the use of possessors of knowledge to being spiritualists (Katouzian, 2006:105). They now referred to the religious elites. At this level, it is clear that the country was operating on two different and opposing blocs. Qajar regime tried to create social reforms in the existing institutions. The regime-faced collisions even from clergies who had became an important component of the power bloc. As a result, with each group having its own resolutions and visions, the end was a conflict of interest. This slowed down the pace of reforms. The lag in the realization of reforms increased the dissatisfaction between the merchants and the intellectuals. Consequently, this brought uneasiness to the Qajar’s. At this stage, the merchants and the intellectuals opposed the government’s slow pace because they believed they possessed more revitalized ideas. All those who were for the reforms and those who formed the pact of not in support, ganged up to discredit the government due to its despotism of the state (Sohrabi, 2011:66 ). The aftermath of this was the fight that targeted despotism. This brought together even the opposing forces, which prior had diverse antagonistic demands and aspirations. In this emerging discourse, the political space divided into two (Afary, Anderson & Foucault, 2005:114). There was the state on one side and the antagonistic poles on the other (people and the state). On the side of the, opposing force, only one thing unified them, the defense of their creed (defense of the millat). At this time, there was a radical

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Marketing Mix Essay Example for Free

Marketing Mix Essay Product refers to the creation or design of a good or service. It is here that the process begins in the life of a product. In this part of the marketing mix the design is made, the name is created, and even the packaging of the good is decided upon. This is where a product needs to be created in a way that makes the product marketable for its intended target. (Manktelow, 2013) Place is the process in when it is decided where the product is going to be sold and how the product will be distributed. Many questions are answered in this part of the process such as â€Å"Where do buyers look for this product? , â€Å"What channels of distribution should be used? †, â€Å"Do we need to use a sales force, attend trade shows, or send samples to companies? †, and â€Å"What are competitors doing? † (Manktelow, 2013) For example, a company producing power tools would not want to distribute their goods in a boutique. The intended customer base is not likely going to be found here. The correct distribution would be in a store where power tools are sold like Home Depot. While having a great product is important, you need to get it to the consumer in the most efficient manner. Price is where the value of the product is determined. Pricing is just as important as the product itself. No matter how great a product is, it needs to be priced so that consumers will be willing to purchase it and so that it will make a profit that is worth investing in. Pricing also can offer a chance to get a leg up on the competition. In order to gain an advantage in market share a company may decide to price their product slightly lower than their competitor’s price. (Manktelow, 2013) Promotion is how a company creates their promotional strategy, advertising, and public relations. Promotion is extremely important in making the consumer aware of the product. It is also very important that the promotional strategy is aimed at the target audience. (Manktelow, 2013) For example, to promote a new basketball shoe advertising could be created featuring a professional basketball player and the product could be heavily advertised during basketball games on television when the intended audience is going to be watching the game. PayPal, Inc. is a payment processor that operates primarily in processing payments on the internet. In 2010 PayPal began to push a new motto of â€Å"Anytime, Anywhere, Anyhow†. PayPal was taking their online payment services and moving them into the physical world. In order to achieve this PayPal began pushing their mobile payment services to develop products that would help to achieve this vision. PayPal required a product that would allow people to truly use PayPal anywhere at any time. In 2012 PayPal launched PayPal Here. PayPal here is a product that connects to a smartphone to allow merchants to accept credit card payments wherever their business may take them. To allow buyers the convenience of using PayPal anywhere, PayPal revamped the PayPal Mobile App. The PayPal Mobile App allows a person to send funds at any time using their smartphone. Whether it is sending money to a friend or paying for an item on eBay, the PayPal Mobile App allows buyers to use their PayPal account without having to be in front of their computer. The other product PayPal created for both merchants and for buyers is PayPal’s in-store checkout. In December of 2011 PayPal partnered with The Home Depot to unveil this new product and feature. Customers of the Home Depot no longer need to bring their wallet to the store with them. By simply entering their mobile number and PIN number they can pay with their PayPal account. Upon checking out the customer receives a text message and email receipt of their purchase. This video demonstrates the PayPal in-store checkout process. http://www. youtube. com/watch? feature=player_detailpagev=Q8P9qT9EIVk PayPal’s placement of the product was not as complicated as many companies selling a product like a hammer or shoes. The PayPal Here product is a way to use the PayPal Here service. Customers simply have to go to the PayPal website or PayPal Here App and request the PayPal here dongle. It is sent to the customer at no cost because the value is in the customer accepting payments using the PayPal Here service. This benefits PayPal in that they do not have to deal with major distribution channels in getting their product into the right store. They simply need to ship the product to the customer that asks for it off of the PayPal website. PayPal has structured their pricing to remain ahead of their primary competitor Square. PayPal charges 2. 7% per transaction to receive payments using the PayPal Here product. Square has a similar product and charges 2. 75% per transaction. The cost of the phone attachment for PayPal Here is free. This has allowed PayPal to keep up with their competitor. In order to effectively market this product PayPal needed to have a price that at least met that of their competitor in order to get people to use the product. PayPal decided to charge slightly less than their competitor in order to gain customers new to this technology and to sway some customers away from Square. Had the service not been available through a competitor, PayPal’s pricing may have been different. Having a price that meets or beats the competition shows that PayPal is marketing their product to not just to customers new to accepting mobile payments, but to those that are already accepting them which expands the market they are targeting. PayPal also offers other types of services other than just accepting payments on a mobile phone which creates more value for potential customers. PayPal has launched aggressive marketing campaigns through email and through banners on their website. PayPal has never advertised their products on television or radio and they did not start with the launch of PayPal Here. PayPal announced PayPal Here at a media event and let the media spread the word along with the advertising occurring through email and on the PayPal website. This helps PayPal save money in advertising and promotion while still promoting their product efficiently. PayPal’s intended targets for PayPal Here are small businesses and people who sell at events like trade shows, service (lawn care, plumbing, etc. ) who would like to be able to give their customers more options to pay for their services. The marketing mix is an effective way to help successfully market a product or service. It addresses every aspect that is needed in order to successfully prepare a product to be launched. The four P’s work together to help a company provide the consumer with what they want, get the product to the consumer that demands the product, sells at a price that benefits the company and the consumer, and will promote the product to the right audience. Without the proper use of the marketing mix a product could easily fail. A company could design a new product that may seem great, but if they do not market the product correctly the right people will not see it, buy it, or be aware of it. Without the sales, the life of a product can be short lived because of ineffective marketing. PayPal has shown an effective use of the marketing mix. PayPal identified a consumer need, PayPal designed a product and service that would meet the needs of the consumer, PayPal found an efficient way to deliver the product and service to the customer, PayPal provided a price that was slightly better than the price of their competitor to gain a market advantage, and PayPal effectively used word of mouth promotion and promotion through their own website to make consumers aware of this new innovative product that can meet their needs. It has been effective use of the marketing mix that has helped PayPal remain on top of the online payment processing world.

Background of the Amway Business Venture

Background of the Amway Business Venture Amway was co-founded in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Rich Devos, they worked together in a variety of small entrepreneurial ventures since their teens whereby they found that they shared many common values, interest and aspiration. Amway is well known for direct selling, and it started by developing and selling their own product line of high quality, high concentrated home care products. Multipurpose Liquid Organic cleaner, known as L.O.C. product line was the first companys product(httl:// Amway is a part of the Alticor group of companies (parent company) with headquarters in Ada, Michigan, USA. Company has wide range of products which reaches to some where around 450 quality of products. Amway has always been at the centre of Global market for the last 50 years hence their phrase Think Global, Act Local Amway is good at direct selling where they sell their product person to person manner generally in their home or home of others or other places away from permanent retail location whereby direct sales occur through explanation or demonstration by salespersons normally referred as Direct Sellers. This has proven successful, with direct selling in 2007 alone generating an annual turnover of close to 111 billion US $ worldwide. Amways trend has shown significant growth from when the company was founded. In 1960s its first years sales reached an impressive US$500,000 while the business continued to grow in United States, where Co-founders decided to expand to Canada in 1962. In 1989 Amway was recognised as a corporate leader in promoting environmental awareness and education when it received the United Nations Environmental program Achievement Award. In 1990s Amway saw a dramatic international expansion. In just half of the decade, Amway doubled the number of its international affiliates. Annual sales kept growing, by the end of decade more than 3 million sales people in some 80 countries and territories were involved in the Amway business worldwide and the retail sales reached and estimate US$5 billion. Around the world Amway affiliates continued to support their distributors with the launch of e-commerce sites that extends the Amway Business opportunity into cyberspace. The web-based Amway business around the globe, supported by the local distribution and manufacturing and warehousing facilities, has assured on time and accurate order processing and delivery of products. Amway today still remains under the parent company Alticor Inc.( today Alticor has net sales of US$7.1 billion (fiscal year 2007) sales force of more than 3 million independent business owners and contracting agents more than 13,000 worldwide em ployees, 160 distribution centre and among other developments. Amway has a long-standing tradition of Corporate Citizenship which since the company started has been an important goal. Amway is subjected to different laws in different countries and Amway goes beyond mere compliance with applicable legal requirements and always places importance on maintaining the highest ethical standards. This is ensured through; treating employees with due respect, maintaining a relationship with Amway Business Owners, which is based on trust and partnership, ensuring trustful relationship with customers, providing high quality products, caring for the environment through the conservation of resources committing themselves to the wider community. Social Responsibility since the founding days has always been an integral part of the company with its Global One by One campaign, Amway wants to provide children with a chance to live a better life, and to achieve this aim the company supports various projects promoting education and health as well as cultural advancement among children in more than 50 countries.. Amway have been successful because of their clear vision of the business, it has formulated strategies which has helped them achieve their goals and objective and also assist them in meeting their stakeholders needs and promoting corporate social responsibility in a global way and also acting in an ethical way, all these drives have enabled them in becoming one of the most successful direct selling company in the world. Cited on ( LITERATURE REVIEW STRATEGY: It is important for any organisation to have a long term plan in order to achieve their objective. Hence strategy can be defined as long term objectives and general means by which an organisation/business intends to achieve them, it is an area of management that is concerned with general direction and long term policy of the business as distinct from short term tactics and day-today operations (Karami, 2007) according to one American Business historian, he defined strategy as the determination of the basic long term goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adaptation of causes of action and the allocation of resources for carrying out those goals (Chandler, 1962). Strategy as both position and perspective can be compatible with strategy as plan and or pattern although these definitions can be involved more than just stating what a strategy is, in relation to these definitions Johnson and Scholes (1993) describe the strategy as concerned with: Full scope of an organisations activities Strategic Management: Mainly Strategies are created and designed for the whole organisation by senior managers therefore managing strategy should start from the top to bottom. Effective strategies involve discussion and communication. Strategic management focuses on integrating managerial abilities and techniques such as; marketing, financial/accounting, human resource management, production management, research development to achieve organizational success. (David 1995). Corporate Strategy: organisations should be able to sustain competitive advantage in a discrete and identifiable market, It is the way a company creates value through the configuration and co ordination of its multimarket activities. When all these are carefully managed then the organisation is able to achieve its competitive or corporate advantage. Corporate strategy involves the following; vision which is the ambitious aspiration of a company, for example; Amways CSR global strategic vision is to make life better for children, Goals and Objectives; short and medium-term quantitative targets e.g. Amway raising funds for good causes, resource; these are skills assets and capabilities of the firm, business; this is the industry by which the firm operates, Amway sells health and beauty products and it has extended its product portfolio to household. Structure; the way the corporation is divided into discrete units Systems; set of formal policies and routine and Processes; informal elem ents of the organizational activities. (Bower, 1970). Corporate Advantage results from a harmonious combination of the above elements which work together to create value of the company. The Strategic Planning Process The top down model which has a structure of top down is followed my quite a few big companies in the year 1970. According to this model the process in which strategic planning takes place became deliberate which involves high level managements who constructs the company strategy and further they push is over to organization for execution.(Nolan 1993). . The following is a flowchart model of this process: Mission | V Objectives | V Situation Analysis | V Strategy Formulation | V Implementation | V Control Organizational Mission The mission of the company is basically reason of its existence. Mission is generally presented in the form mission statement, which mainly explains the reasons for employee and work also the companies market image to customer. In the process of strategic formulation, this statement decides where company basically wants to go. Organizational Objectives Objectives are fixed targets that the organization wants to reach, generally in terms of most of organization its earning profit. The objectives is always challenging but should be reachable. The objective is countable enough for company as it can keep a track on its progress and also areas in which improvement needed. Organizational Situation Analysis Once firm has decided its target, it starts with its existing situation to make a strategic plan to reach those targets. Modification in the surrounding environment normally creates new opportunities and new ways to reach the targets. An environmental scan is performed to identify the available opportunities. The firm should know its own merits and demerits in order to select the scope that it can pursue with a more chances of success. The external surrounding consist of two aspects: the macro-environment which generally has affects on all companies and a micro-environment that impacts only the companies in a specific industry. The macro-environmental analysis consist of political, economic, social, and technological factors and sometimes is considered as a PEST analysis. ( Ansoff,1987) The situation analysis can produce huge amount of data, which is not mainly related to strategy building. To create the information and make it more manageable, it sometimes is beneficial to separate the internal factors of the company as strengths and weaknesses, and the external environmental factors as opportunities and threats. Such an analysis often is referred to as a SWOT analysis.( Brooksbank,1996) Organizational Strategy Formulation Once a clear image of the company and its surrounding is with you, particular strategic alternatives can be produced. While multiple company having multiple options differing from their situation. Michael Porter identified cost leadership, differentiation, and focus as three generic strategies that may be considered when defining strategic alternatives. Porter advised against implementing a combination of these strategies for a given product; rather, he argued that only one of the generic strategy alternatives should be pursued.( MIcheal Porter,2004) Organizational strategic Implementation The strategies are mostly shown in top-level specific terms and priorities. The existence of strategy in functional policies mainly highlights all the topics which are not easily visible or even accessible at higher level. Generally the strategy are shifted to particular policies in functional domain like Marketing, R D, Procurement, Production, Human resources, Information systems. The one of the important task involved in this process is identifying all the available resources and then further arranging them at right place in the company. Organizational Control After any strategy being implemented then further ahead at each stage the strategy gets measured and recalculated in order to make changes subject to requirement. The special control system is generally being facilitate to look after this. Performance is generally standardized to particular level and every individual performance is cross checked to ensure the success of the objective. The whole process and the end result of success generally can be seen via tools such as Dashboard etc STAKEHOLDERS: Stakeholders is generally a person, group or company which has direct or indirect share in an cmpany. The concept stakeholder was developed by R. Edward Freeman in year 1980. They can be either external or internal to the organisation. There are various types of stakeholders which can be one of the following: Employees, Communities, Shareholders, Investors, Government, Suppliers, Labour Unions, Government regulatory Agencies, Industry Trade Groups, Professional Associates, NGOs, Prospective employees, Prospective customers, Local communities, National Communities, Public (Community), and Competitors. Further more internal stakeholders are the ones who are generally a members of the business organisation and they can also inclusive of Owners and shareholders, managers, staff and employees Mainly External stakeholders are not considered as a part of the company; where as few groups has both internal and external stakeholders. Such as staff or shareholders who are also local residents. Also External stakeholders present outside the company but has a direct interest in what it does. All stakeholders are not essentially equal and are entitled to different considerations. First is to establish who exactly your stakeholders are. Communication of Strategy With stake holders Amway have a wide range of stake holders, whereby each one of them have interest in the company. These are as follow: Global headquarters Amway Europe; they are interested in the growth of the business and want to see the CSR strategy matches with the company strategy as a whole. Amway regularly communicates with them through publications and updating their sites regularly. ABOs; the main interest is that they want to see the company (Amway UK) being a responsible caring organization at the same time as helping them earn some money. Communication is through face to face i.e. regular meetings example in 2005 they organized a joint briefing for ABO leaders, printed materials and Emails Customers; they are more interested in good quality products which meet their needs as well as being efficient. Normally Amway uses direct selling for their product which is door to door hence they are able to meet them face to face. Staff; it is at interest of any staff in a company to work for an organ ization which does the right thing and which make them feel comfortable at work place, this could be in terms of having good training in place among other needs. Main method of communication is face to face either with their managers etc. AMWAYS Business Strategy Amway being a global direct sales company, works with around three million ABOs in over 80 countries. These ABOs form the links with consumers and the communities in which they operate by offering and selling them a wide range of Amways own branded products. ABOs are stakeholders in Amway. Amway manufactures and then distributes a range of their branded products to the ABOs worldwide, the typical products that ABOs sell include: Skin care and cosmetics, Personal care, e.g.; fragrances, body care, etc, Clothing and footwear, Cookware, Water treatment systems and Nutrition and wellness products such as food supplements, food and drinks. The ABOs are self employed and are highly motivated people, hence the Amways support in enabling people to have their own businesses. The ABOs operate their business independently as small businesses and develop direct supply channels and sell the products to people who they know or meet. They also introduce others to the Amway business, this chain is shown in a simple diagram on the following page: Source: The ABOs work to Amways rules of conduct and code of Ethics, which are about being honest and responsible in trading, Amway places strong emphasis on the ABOs since they are more able to focus on individual customers and their needs, hence serving them better and building lasting relations with them. They work in a self regulatory environment, and should also have a flexible approach to business. However as mentioned earlier they sign a contract to work within Amways rules of conduct and code of Ethics, since they are the final and the most influential contact with the end consumers in the supply chain, and if they do not operate within the set rules it could bring a bad impression on the company. CONCLUSION: Base on our findings we have been able to find out how Amway have been successful in doing their business. Amway have been able to succeed in developing hundreds of product they sell through direct selling, though they engage in direct selling method they have few retail outlet whereby customers can purchase their products. Stakeholders are integral part of the business today and their contribution shape the success of the business as a whole, clearly Amway ensures that by meeting their needs at all aspects of their business. Today many businesses need to have a Strategy the way they do their business it is important because it reinforces the strength between the business owners and the stakeholders at large. Amway take this aspect seriously in the way they do their business and tries to be ethical in what they do especially when they are conducting business in different countries it is important to respect rules and regulation of each country. Good communication is important in any business today, either internally or externally, Amway have strategic communication in place and this enables them to be able to do business and they continue to improve on their communication through innovation and development of software and communication networks. All this have helped to shape Amway and enabled them to be one of the best Corporation Globally today.